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Download Our Online Materials

Our website offers residents a repository of excellent information of what to keep a lookout for and what to do if you see suspicious activities. It also includes phone numbers of all of Orange County’s municipal police departments.  There are tips on what to do if you see activities you believe might be a precursor to a crime - either in person or online.

Below are a variety of items you can download and distribute amongst your community.

S4 HANDOUT ENG 2 Preview.png
S4 HANDOUT ENG 1 Preview.png
Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 9.26.55 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 9.26.41 PM.png
Safe OC Nov Cyber Security.png
SafeOC Facts Sheet 8.5 x 11.png
SafeOC Nov Online Gaming.png

Download Social Media Materials

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